
As probate attorneys, one of the questions we often receive is related to how to claim the deceased’s bank accounts. When a family member or a dear person dies, you might discover you are responsible for solving many problems. One of these duties can be accessing and closing the late person's a...


In the complex probate process, an executor plays a vital and nuanced role. The personal representative appointed by the deceased person is responsible for paying the decedent's debts and distributing inheritances to the beneficiaries as stated in the late person's will, ensuring that the assets are...


Losing a loved one not only brings a wave of emotions but can also leave families on shaky financial ground. If you are a surviving spouse, you might have heard of something called "Year's Support." And you might be wondering exactly what it is and how it can help you. In this article, we will co...

If a Parent Dies Without a Will, Who Gets the House in Georgia?

The death of a parent can be emotionally devastating. If the parent passes away without a testament to establish how to distribute his possessions clearly, the confusion and trauma can be even more profound. One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is, "What is a child entitled to when ...

What Power Does a Personal Representative Have? And What to Do If They Mismanage the Estate

Disputes happen during probate when the person entrusted with the decedent’s estate — the personal representative — is suspected of mishandling the estate. If you’re one of the beneficiaries, you may think the personal representative is unfit for the role or acting in their best interests...


Coping with the loss of a beloved one is a delicate moment. But if, besides dealing with difficult emotions, you also have to take care of the deceased person's estate and financial affairs and make sure their last wishes are fulfilled, then you might feel overwhelmed. And that's when you might hear...


When buying a property with someone else, there are a few things to consider. First, you must determine how much of this property each of you owns. Second, you should clarify what happens if you or your fellow buyer die: who will get the ownership rights on the property? And in this whole equation, ...


After the death of a loved one, you will always hear words like executors, personal representatives, and administrators. If you are in the position of managing the deceased person's assets, you may be wondering what each of these three terms means. What are the duties of a personal representative vs...


When family discussions turn to estate matters after a loved one's passing, you may find yourself in one of two positions. On one hand, you may have learned that you are the named executor in the deceased's will. You may be grappling with the weight of your new role, wondering what the duties of ...


Navigating probate real estate matters can be overwhelming, especially if you've been appointed as the personal representative. You may be at a loss as to where to start and what decisions to make in certain situations. Even more challenging is resolving conflicting interests among family members...

How Are Beneficiaries Paid from a Will

Often, the heirs of a deceased person wonder how long does the executor have to pay the beneficiaries. However, you should know that several factors - such as the complexity of the estate, the deceased's debts, estate taxes, and any legal issues - influence the timing of the distribution of assets. ...

who is responsible for hospital bills after death

When a loved one dies after an illness that requires lengthy health care, the unpaid medical bills can be huge. Who is responsible for hospital bills after death? Do medical debts die with you? These are common questions our office receives and are often concerns that worry family members of a decea...