
If you've recently lost a loved one and they did not leave a will, you'll still have to sit and discuss estate matters with your family. Questions like whether you need to go through probate, who will be the Administrator of estate, or what are the surviving spouse's rights will appear.  What Does...


It is common for heirs or beneficiaries to worry when the personal representative takes too long to distribute their inheritance. This is usually the case when families are not familiar with the intricacies of the probate process. And they keep wondering how long does the probate process take. Kn...

What does a will do

What does a will do?  When a loved one passes away, the family will often search for a will.  When a will is found, there are often misconceptions about what the will can and can’t do. In this article, we're going to go over the key purposes of a will, so you’ll know what ...

Your loved one has passed away and has left a will outlining their last wishes. If you have the will, then why go to Probate Court? A very common misconception is that if there is a will then probate isn’t necessary. We will discuss this topic in this post and explain why probate is still necessar...

will in georgia

Do you have a will? If the answer to this question is anything other than a firm “YES!”, then you need to call or email my office. Today. I don’t want you to call so that we can sell you a will. Our firm doesn’t even write wills or do any kind of estate planning. I want you to get in touc...

Do you have a loved one who passed away many years ago and owned a property that is still in their name? Are you looking to handle it once and for all?  This situation is not uncommon.  We call it an heir property situation. Maybe you’re ready to have your piece of the property in your name, or ...

Life Partners & Probate

How does it work when you have a life partner who passes away?  How much control will you have over the estate?  Will you inherit their property? We will answer those questions and more in this post. My name is Erik Broel & I am the founder & CEO of Georgia Probate Law Group. At our fir...

do heirs have a right to see the will georgia

After a loved one passes away, it is common for close family members to want to see a copy of the will. Unfortunately, sometimes the executor may refuse to provide it. That can feel very frustrating. You may want to know what your loved one's wishes are, and you may want to veri...

estate challenges

When a loved one passes away, estate challenges can happen very quickly. What can you do about it? It is not uncommon for one or more family members to attempt to take over the estate, and gain a larger share of the deceased’s property.   Many times, the best response is to become ...

What to Do When the Will is Lost?

What can you do when you believe the deceased had a Will, but you cannot find it?  What if you can only find a copy?  This is a complicated situation and there are no easy answers.  We will discuss that and more in this post. My name is Erik Broel & I am the founder & CEO of Georgia Pr...

Over the last few months we've written a lot about conditions that slow the probate process down. Considerably. We've picked on the Prince estate, but only because it's continuously in the news and serves as a perfect example for a lot of what can go wrong. But, things don't always have to go wrong ...

Think Watergate, Wills, Trusts, Executors, Trustees, fees and Watergate have nothing in common? Think again. All the President’s Men showed reporters Bernstein and Woodward frustratingly stymied as they tried to run down the story of a lifetime. At the low point of the Washington Post’s inves...