When a parent passes away, the void can feel insurmountable. As you come to terms with loss, you may be navigating through legal obligations that seem very complex. You may find yourself asking questions like: How long do you have to transfer property after death? How to transfer property ...

contesting a will

Dealing with estate matters after a loved one passes can be quite a complicated experience. Moreover, tensions run even higher when a disgruntled family member or relative suddenly considers contesting a will. In this article, we’ll uncover the reasons behind such objections and offer some guidan...

Deal With Probate Disputes

Probate litigation is scary to think about and even more terrifying to experience firsthand. The possibility of family members becoming enemies or estate assets turning into legal fees is seriously concerning. Wouldn't it be better to know how to deal with a probate dispute when it happens and how t...


If you've been left a portion of a property through someone's will, it can be a difficult time for all involved. Most people may want to sell the house quickly for emotional reasons, to prevent high maintenance costs, or even to pay off creditors to the extent possible if the estate doesn't have eno...


A last will and testament is a legal document that controls how most of your assets and liabilities are distributed after your death. A valid will allows you to leave assets to people who would be excluded by the laws that control the distribution of property after your death. It empowers you to...


As probate attorneys, some of the most frequent questions we receive are "What is a conservatorship?", "What is the difference between guardianship and conservatorship?" There are two main situations when someone needs conservatorship. The first circumstance is when a minor child is going to rec...


If the deceased leaves an unclear will, there can be a lot of confusion and chaos. This will eventually lead to misunderstandings and frustrations among the loved ones. Who can be named as an estate beneficiary? If you are an heir, are you automatically a beneficiary? If a deceased left a will with ...

What Are Next of Kin Rights and Responsibilities?

The "next of kin" term usually refers to the closest living blood relative, such as someone's spouse, who will assume responsibility for decisions on behalf of the individual in case they become unable to make them themselves. This issue could arise both after a person dies and prior to their de...


A will is one of the core documents of a deceased person's estate—it allows everyone to know the decedent's last and final wishes. Basically, the executor has the legal obligation to ensure that those wishes are fulfilled according to the law, being responsible for taking care of the late person's...


Dealing with the death of a loved one is devastating enough without debt collectors beating down on your door to demand payment. If you've just assumed your role as an appointed executor or administrator, questions like these may have crossed your mind: "How long do creditors have to collect a debt ...


For so many people, the loss of a loved one or a family member is a moment characterized by complex emotions, and the idea of probate becomes a daunting thought. Did the deceased leave a will where he clearly mentions who the beneficiaries of his inheritance are and names an executor to fulfil his l...

How Long Does a Probate Sale Take? Do All Heirs Have to Agree

When they pass away, people often want to leave their assets and properties to persons they care about. But sometimes, the deceased doesn't make a will or dies with debts, and in such cases, their property must go through a probate process before being distributed to the legal beneficiaries. When th...